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Green Wave Distribution

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Architects - What we offer

The team at Green Wave Distribution works directly with architects to design custom heating and electrical solutions. Our proprietary AutoCAD design program and expert system designers enable us to provide you with heating or snow melting system layouts and wire diagrams that are exact to your architectural plans.

For sustainably focused projects, we provide product and application consultations, consumption estimates, and heat loss analyses - empowering you and and your clients with the knowledge and information to make informed decisions.

" In the 7 years I’ve been estimating, I’ve never seen a better explained email and quote with all the answers I’m looking for. I wish other distributors would do this. It makes me reconsider how I write my own proposal emails." ~ Nate G"

Looking for More Information?

We'd love to chat! Schedule a virtual lunch & learn and we'll provide you with in depth product & design information.

Education & Resources

Continuing Education Credits

AECDaily, the largest provider of FREE online continuing education credits for architects, engineers, contractors and other construction professionals, offers a course on STEP Warmfloor Radiant Heat. This course is approved for credits for AIA, GBCI, AIBD and many more. The course will provide you an overview of our self-regulating polymer technology and the performance benefits of using PTC (positive temperature coefficient) heaters for energy efficient floor warming, primary heating, snow melting and roof deicing.
Click here to take the course.

CAD/BMI Objects

For all of our product information and for an easy tool to use STEP Warmfloor in your next design, find us on


Architectural Specifications